From counseling on filing considerations, to drafting and arguing motions on issues of law, to briefing and arguing issues on interlocutory appeal, our appellate services are directed at ensuring that every aspect of your pre-trial phase is optimized for both the immediate and long-term success of your case.
Some of the key appellate services that we provide include:
Briefing and Arguing Interlocutory Appeals: An interlocutory appeal can significantly influence the direction, strategy, and even the viability of your case. At Texas Personal Injury Experts, PLLC you are guaranteed that your appeal will be handled by an attorney dual Board Certified in Personal Injury and Civil Appellate Law. You can rest assured your appeal will be handled with the upmost care, allowing you to focus on trial preparation and strategy.
Drafting and Arguing Pre-Trial Motions: Legal questions about the interpretation or application of the law can be dispositive to your case. Some examples of areas where Texas Personal Injury Experts, PLLC’s appellate services could be of aid to you include, among others:
- Challenges to the Legal Sufficiency of a Claim, for example under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 91a or under the Texas Citizens Participation Act.
- Jurisdictional Challenges
- Venue Disputes
- Summary Judgment
- Motions in Limine
- Motions for Sanctions and/or Attorneys Fees
Strategic Litigation Planning: Decisions before your case is filed, and before your case reaches trial, can be determinative of the success of the litigation. At Texas Personal Injury Experts, PLLC, you’re not just hiring appellate lawyers, you’re hiring appellate lawyers who also are trial lawyers. We understand that no case is the same, and no client is the same. Each case and client present unique circumstances and goals. Along with our appellate services we provide consulting and a strategic analysis of your case, leveraging over three decades of experience to identify your strongest legal positions and potential appellate issues to help you reach a successful result for the client.
Texas Personal Injury Experts, PLLC’s commitment to excellence makes us the ideal partner for Plaintiff’s lawyers seeking to elevate their case during the pre-trial stage. Call now for a free consultation.